Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Happy 8th Birthday, Sammy!...3 Days Ago!!

I've been such a "Loser Mom" and haven't had a chance to post Sammy's birthday pictures from Sunday! The real problem is that I don't even have an excuse as to why it took me so long!!! little baby boy turned 8 years old three days ago! Where has the time gone?!? It's really hard to believe that they're all growing up so quickly!!

Sam and Mahlon...Getting Ready to Blow Those Candles Out

An X-Box from Grammy and Great Grammy

X-Box Football Games from Dan

...and the present that ties them all together...A Flat Screen TV For His Bedroom!! No more sharing X-Box and TV's with his big brothers!! WOW...has that cut down on the arguing!!


Java Mom said...

Happy Birthday Sammy !!!!!! Hope you had a great day !!!!!!!

3boysmom said...

Happy Birthday sam Man! We still need to go for Ice Cream!