Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Stay Tuned!

Blogger seems to be having technical difficulties now! Figures, huh? It's taken me how long now to find the time to post and I get an error message on the photo uploader! What a bummer! Oh well, I promise to post more pics from Christmas day a little returning/exchanging to do...these boys grow way too fast. I can't keep up from week to week! Hope everyone had a great Christmas and I can't wait to see more pictures of everyone's holiday!

"Our" Christmas Eve-December 23rd

The boys were with their Dad this year for Christmas Eve so we did our traditions the night before.

When my mom was pregnant with me, my Dad's parents, Mommie Jay and Goggie, gave them a beautiful copy of "Twas the Night Before Christmas" to read as a family each Christmas Eve. It has been passed on to my family and the boys and I read it each year. My mom sent Shannon a copy this year to continue the tradition with Emmett.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas to Everyone!

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas from the Lindenmuth family! We hope that Santa was good to everyone! Merry, Merry!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Sam's First Pheasant Hunt

For Sam's birthday last month, he asked Dan to take him to Hastings Island to pheasant hunt. Since the boys are off of school all week, this morning was the perfect day for it! He loved it and they got two birds!! He's already asking when he can go again...

He loved playing with these guys after he got home and especially loved the blood on his clothes! GROSS! Most of you know that I'm a total germ-a-phobe so I made sure he took a very long, very warm, very soapy bath!

Congrats to Mahlon and Honor Roll(ees)

So now that Mahlon is in fourth grade, he finally gets A, B, C's, etc. on his report card and is eligible for the Honor Roll. Congrats to Mahlon for making it his first trimetster! Also, a congrats to Connor (sorry but I've got no photo...long story!) for making Honor Roll his first trimester of Junior High! And not to leave little Sammy out...he did very well also but they don't do Honor Roll for third grade...great trimester boys!! I'm proud of you all!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Dinner and Friends

Yesterday was a rainy, yucky day so we thought it would be fun to have friends over for some yummy dinner and a little yummy wine! We had the Giardinos, the M's from across the street and the Riedels. Little did we know that the boys would treat us to a little wrestling match, as well. Connor and Wolfie were coaching Sammy and Mahlon and Jake was refereeing! It was quite entertaining and they were all pooped and slept quite well!

And in this corner...Sammy and his coach, Con-Dog!

And in this corner...Mahlon and his coach, Wolfie!

Silly Sammy!!

And their ref, Jake! He looks like he was getting quite the workout, huh?

Buddy Love getting a lot of love from a bunch of boys and girls!!

What nice little girls...our friends Lexi and M sitting so nicely watching those crazy boys wrestle under the crazy trophy head!!

Thank you everyone for coming...we had a BLAST! It's always fun to have a nice relaxing evening with good friends! We'll have to do it more often!

Happy 13th!

Well...the cake says it all...Happy 13th Birthday, Marissa!

Make a wish!!

Gotta love my Sammy...he always seems to find something fun to do with the cloth napkins at restaurant's to keep him entertained!

Thursday, November 08, 2007


So tomorrow is Marissa's 13th b'day and she wanted a mani/pedi afternoon...with her DAD!! Somehow she convinced him that he had to have a pedicure and manicure, also, so she and I devised our plan to capture it on film and blog it to embarass him! I think that the ducks, etc. out in the fields where he hunts will really admire his polished toes!!

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Maroon 5- Arco Arena

I took the boys to see Maroon 5 at Arco Arena last night. What a great show!! They sounded wonderful and had an amazing light show! Adam Levine is very easy on the eyes, too, which kept it interesting!

Adam Levine...AKA "Hottie!"

Sam waiting for them to take the stage

Sam and Mahlon

In front of the tour bus...kind of reminiscent of my sister and I in front of the Willie Nelson bus.

Poor proved to be a late night for him and he was sound asleep in that loud arena about 10 PM. He did wake up and catch the last song, though. I haven't a clue how he slept through all of the noise!

Saturday, October 27, 2007





Everybody working hard! I think that I look like I was working the hardest!! How fun it is to carve jack-o-lanterns!! NOT! As most of you know, I'm not a huge fan of Halloween but the jack-o-lantern thing's got to be done with kiddies!

Mahlon's pumpkin came out VERY cool....

...and so did Sammy's!!


The boys were rockin' out in the car to the Beastie Boys on the way to the Pumpkin Patch but I was crackin' up when I turned around and saw Wolfie wearing my Halloween Rasta hat!

World's Largest Corn Maze

We took the kids to the corn maze at Cool Patch. They were in the Guinness Book of World Records this year fo rthe world's largest corn maze. Of course, we got DITCHED by all of the kids within the first 15 minutes...and without a map!! They had a good time, though, and we finally made it out!!

Connor running out of the corn stalks trying to scare the girls!

...and Wolfie too!

The view from one of the bridges.

Wolfie, Connor and Mahlon heading back to the car. I was glad that we weren't in there when it was this dark. I was especially worried once they all took off and left us. I figured that the older kids would get busy and forget to keep a good eye on the little guys. Thankfully, everyone made it out safe and had FUN!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Happy 8th Birthday, Sammy!...3 Days Ago!!

I've been such a "Loser Mom" and haven't had a chance to post Sammy's birthday pictures from Sunday! The real problem is that I don't even have an excuse as to why it took me so long!!! little baby boy turned 8 years old three days ago! Where has the time gone?!? It's really hard to believe that they're all growing up so quickly!!

Sam and Mahlon...Getting Ready to Blow Those Candles Out

An X-Box from Grammy and Great Grammy

X-Box Football Games from Dan

...and the present that ties them all together...A Flat Screen TV For His Bedroom!! No more sharing X-Box and TV's with his big brothers!! WOW...has that cut down on the arguing!!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

More Emmett...

So, as most of you know, the boys and I hopped in the car on Friday afternoon and made our way to Los Angeles to wait for Shannon to have her baby. After a very long wait over the weekend, the doctor finally decided to induce her on Monday, the day the we were supposed to head back home. We decided to stay for another night and were able to see the new little man once he was born! The boys were very patient throughout the weekend while anxiously awaiting the birth of their new little cousin. Here are a couple of shots of them waiting and finally with Emmett!

Their first view of the little guy with Auntie She-she

Connor and Emmett

Mahlon and Emmett

Sammy and Emmett

Emmett with The Lindenmuth's

IT'S A BOY!!!!

Finally Mr. Emmett Charles Richards made his way into the world, albeit 9 days past his due date! My sister, Shannon, finally delivered a happy baby boy on October 15th at 7:44 PM. He weighed in at 8 pounds 5 ounces and was 20 1/4 inches long. She went in Monday morning to be induced and delivered that evening. It was a tough few hours for Mommy once they started the Pitocin but once she had her epidural she progressed quickly. I was wandering around Santa Monica aimlessly with the boys when my Mom called at about 7:10 saying that she was 9 cm dilated and I should probably make my way back to the hospital. The boys and I literally ran back to the parking garage at 3rd Street Promenade and I just made it for her to start pushing. She did a great job and only pushed for 15 minutes!!

Emmett Charles Richards

Here are his stats!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Still Waiting!!!!

Well, as most of you know the boys and I came down to LA this weekend to visit with Auntie She-she and Uncle Logan as well as Grammy and Great Grammy. We were hoping to be able to see the new little one be born but no such luck yet. Shan was scheduled to go in tonight to be induced and after getting to the hospital she was told that she had to be rescheduled until tomorrow morning at 6 AM because they were understaffed...can you believe it?!? I will keep everyone posted and am hoping to post some baby pics tomorrow!! Everyone cross your fingers!!