Tuesday, May 30, 2006

"The Emperor's New Hair"

Mahlon's class did their play today, "The Emperor's New Hair," and Mahlon played the Emperor. They had the chance to choose their top three preferences for roles and I was somewhat shocked that he wanted to be the Emperor. He gets so shy in front of people he doesn't know.

Mahlon and his bud, David Choy. David was the travelling salesman that the Emperor bought Hair Today Magic Potion from.

All of the kids did great. They had to memorize all of their lines and they really didn't need many reminders throughout their performance. Very cute!!

Mahlon and I (I rarely post many photos of me but this is probably the best pic I have of the two of us!)

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Super Sammy-Math Master

Sammy getting his Master Math Problem Solver award this past week

May Fair Parade

We were all in the parade for Dream Home this year. It definitely wasn't as much fun as sitting under a nice shady tree watching everyone go by. The boys were all pretty antsy with all of the waiting but we had a fun time anyway.

Future Dream Home Realtors:)

The boys with their best bud, Anthony!!

May Fair 2006

The boys and I dragged Auntie She-she with us to the fair on Friday afternoon for Kids' Day. As always, they had a blast!! Connor was overjoyed to be able to take off so much with his friends this year. He's growing up so fast!!

Mahlon just insisted on riding the mechanical bull this year.(must have been his PBR experience earlier this year) He actually did pretty well and had a great time!!

Sammy's 8 seconds!!

We tried to do as much of the livestock exhibits as possible but everyone was just dying from their allergies. Hopefully we'll get more time over in that area next year.

Sammy & Mahlon on the Sizzler

Mahlon & Joey on the Cliffhanger

Mahlon & Sammy

Mahlon just loves this ride!!

The perfect ending to a long day at the fair...a rainbow in the sky. After all that money that I spent, I was wishing to find my "pot of gold" at the end of it!!

Friday, May 05, 2006

Overnight at Aunt She-She and Logan's in San Fran

The boys were treated to an overnight at Shan & Logan's in the city this past weekend. They had such a great time going to the park, out for pizza, watching movies and munching out at night and the beach next morning. They were so excited because they got to even eat ice cream for lunch the next morning!!

Mahlon monkeying around on the monkey bars in Golden Gate Park.

And Sammy...

Anyone for a game of wiffle ball?

After checking out the bison in Golden Gate Park, they played wiffle ball with Logan. Looks like they were having fun.

Sammy is trying to multi-task here...bat and blow a bubble at the same time. That was another one of their treats...they got to each have their own packs of gum, which Mommy doesn't allow. Oh, to be spoiled by family!!

It's lookin' good, Mahlon!

Connor may want to work on his form a bit, huh?

Movie Time at She-She & Logan's

After their big day, the boys settled onto the couch to watch a movie with their popcorn, ice cream and shakes. They were in seventh heaven with all the treats. They actually commented to Shan and Logan that it was like being home sick from school but with lots of treats. They wanted to know if they did this every night?! Too funny!

Looks yummy, huh?!

Do you think that Sammy's enjoying his popcorn?!

Sammy snugglin' with one of the kitties!

Beach Fun!!

The boys went to the beach down the street from She-She's house on Sunday morning. They had such a fun overnight. Thank you so much She-She and Logan!!

Check out Logan being a goof in the background.



Tattoo, baby!

Lisa wanted to get a tattoo while she was out here so we headed to Dirty Harry's on Saturday night. I, of course, skipped out. Too much pain for me!!



She got the OHM symbol. It looked very cool. I love the color that he did.

Mahlon's First Holy Communion

Mahlon received his First Holy Communion this past Saturday. The church was packed!! Lisa, his Godmother, flew in from Connecticut for the occassion. How nice!!

Looking handsome

All three boys. Connor and Sammy were less than pleased that they had to sit through church for Mahlon to receive but they were actually quite good.

Mommy and her boys!

Mahlon and his Godmother, Lisa.

My sister came up for the Communion, also.

Looking all angelic...oh boy, do we all know better?!

I thought that this was a cute photo.


Mr. Batman is such a goof! He looks like a little baby with his head on the pillow and all...how cozy!!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Napa Time

Every year my college roommate and good friend, Lisa, comes to visit from Connecticut. One of our annual excursions is, of course, Napa Valley!! I love it up there...it's just so peaceful and absolutely beautiful! Shan, my sister, came with us this year, also. We hit three of the favorites this time, Cakebread Cellars, Peju(my absolute fave!!) and V. Sattui. What a great day!!

The "long arm" at Peju!

Shan & I outside Cakebread.

Shan and Lisa at the tasting bar in V. Sattui. I thought that this was a great picture of both of them.

Shan on the Cakebread tour.

Lisa tasting at Cakebread.

Monday, May 01, 2006

First Swim of the Season

They finally convinced me last week to let them jump in. Actually, they were all a little wimpy about getting in so I had to eventually throw them in!!

WIMPS!! Why is everyone still dry?!

Three little monkeys floating in the pool...



and Connor, the ham!!

Easter SUNDAE!!

The boys were with their Dad for Easter so I went to dinner with my friend Kiffany and her family, including cutie-boy Anthony. He was totally digging on this sundae. Very cute!!

Nice eye, huh? That's what you get when you run around with the Lindenmuth boys!!

How adorable is he with his new "big boy" haircut? (and moustache!)