Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Sure Hope That The Tooth Fairy Comes!!

Connor wasn't done with his homework and out the door for five minutes when Jake and Sammy came to the door to tell me Connor was hurt. I ran out and saw him lying in the court face down bleeding all over the concrete. Immediate panic! It turned out that he chipped one of his front teeth real good. After a quick emergency visit to the dentist and some tooth sealant we were on our way back home. Hopefully they'll start to build it back up next week so in the meanwhile he'll look like a hockey player.

Connor's legs weren't working so well after the nitrous (laughing gas) used by the dentist. Thankfully his dad was there to help carry him to the car because at just over 5 foot and nearly 100 pounds, there's not a whole lot that I can do to help anymore. Look how tall he is in comparison to his dad!

1 comment:

Java Mom said...

HEY you seriously win the BLOGGER AWARD for getting pic's of him at the dentist!!! These are classic!!! We hope he's doing okay and his teeth are also!!!!