Connor and Mahlon had to take their new bikes out for a test drive in the court despite the rain. They love them!!

Imagine their surprise when they walked in to new bikes left by Santa Claus!!

My mom sent them an iPod nano. That thing is too cool!! We got the transmitter so we downloaded a bunch of tunes and can move it from the home theater system in the family room, to mommy's alarm clock in her room to the car to... It is so amazing!! I'll be fighting them for that present I think!!

Sammy got a tetherball from Santa. He is the tetherball king at school!!

Connor being a goofball with his stocking.

And Sammy...

And Mahlon...

Don't you love Sammy's dinner? All that good food and he eats a banana! Gotta love that boy!!

Good dinner, good drink and good people! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!