Tuesday, February 21, 2006


We went to Soda Springs to play at the tubing park for the holiday. Lots of fresh snow and not terribly freezing. The boys had a blast!!

Sammy wasn't quite heavy enough to make it the whole way down the run. He had to pull his tube at the end.

Mahlon needed a little more weight, as well.

The three monkeys goofing off while waiting to head down the tubing lane.

Connor had a little more weight so he got a bit further, a bit faster!

And then...CRASH!


Java Mom said...

Great pic's Deb!!! Looks like you guys had a blast!! I hate the snow cause it's COLD but my kids are beggint to get up there!!!

3boysmom said...

nice wipeout Connor!! Love that we all have new pics to looks at!!